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it's amazing what a light I knew

it's amazing what a light I knew

and if you think it's all her fault

that just isn't true

I didn't know that I could be so cold

I didn't know that I would ever grow

and now I'm older than I've ever known

the lack of love in my life

I used to try to crush everything

outside of what directly spoke to me

now it's not cute, this inconsistency

just a lack of love plain in sight

it's amazing what a light I knew

it's amazing what a light I knew

and if you think it's all her fault

that just isn't true

I used to say I gave her everything

but then I realized it was selfishly

you know I do just almost anything

to bring her eyes back to mine

I hate so deeply the bridge burner fame

but still I bark out like a dog on a chain

when I think of all the hearts I've left in my way

mom and dad you made a big mistake

it's amazing what a light I knew

it's amazing what a light I knew

and if you think it's all her fault

that just isn't true

so here's a song, I'll call it Finishing

please don't believe I need your sympathy

when all and all the problems rest on me

hate to be any doubt

it's amazing what a light I knew

it's amazing what a light I knew

and if you think it's all her fault

that just isn't true

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