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despite what you recommend

despite what you implement

this just can't stand anymore

3 A.M. at my door

with no one to tell you that it's wrong

drugged for some seasons

sure we were pure

like cancer's quick miracle

or resin chalk spectacles

party after party

the laughs they just told you that you were on

and the luckiest asshole I've ever met

is playing music on my bed again

sharing wings and boulders

bringing me back in

those who all give advice

those who all recommend

those who know everything

kitchen philosophy

those who speak quietly

words wide and sympathy

they don't know of your eyes

six inches from mine

or the taste of your hips

with the windows wide open

so here we hang loosely

and dry on the vine

I put my hair up and think of us marrying

this garden's the same but these fruits have new names

I have wanted you for so long

and the luck of the lasso, for once I wept

never seemed to get more than a glance

and the feathers and boulders I once possessed

they found a home in age and circumstance

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