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Better Than This


Every man needs to get a little sleep

We all need sanctuary from the trouble on the street

Working hard and making money

But I'd rather be dreaming underneath a shady tree

And it's 6:00 in the morning, I've been up all night

And I'm tossing and I'm turning and I'm fearing


I'm so spun out, but I think I know what we could do

I'm exploding with ideas but I can't call you

Oh lord, I hear people in the trees

I'm going on a mission, unlock your ten-speed

I hear this place is hot, swarming with police

And there's a man on the corner with this camera on me

And I'd do anything to get a little rest

I think a nightmare would be better than this

I think a nightmare would be better than this

There's a house they say is haunted up the street

The last family that moved in evacuated in a week

That voodoo lady always got to me

And I'm searching for her spirit desperate for company

'Cause it's 6:00 in the morning, I've been up all night

Can't stop, the wheels are turning, fearing God's

Morning light

I'm so spun out, but I think I know what we could do

I'm exploding with ideas but I can't call you

Oh Lord, I hear people in the trees

I've got to take the world on a mission with me

I had a close brush with voyeur destiny

And then I hope that you're looking and can see right

Through me

Can't you see?

I'd do anything to get a little rest

I think a nightmare would be better than this

I think a nightmare would be better than this

Lord, can it get be better than this?

Can't keep living like this

Better than this

Oh, I feel so shallow, just like a puddle

I think a nightmare would be better than this

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