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Everyone Is Beautiful


She got a wooden leg with a kickstand

No teeth, lives in the trashcan

Well hey lady, what the heck?

Let's go to my pad and throw a beer back

She told me her life story

About how she got down, went back in the 60's

Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin

Jimi Hendrix, and even Ozzy Osbourne

She partied, from the 70's, and 80's,

And the 90's to the 21st century

Was a long, long road, she needs a lighter load

She needs a little love Lord

Well everyone is beautiful, everyone is beautiful

I see a lot of ugly people on the street

But with a little love, they wouldn't be so ugly no

Well everyone is beautiful, everyone is beautiful

I see a lot of ugly people on the street

But if they weren't so broke, they wouldn't be so ugly


This man, have you seen in Long Beach?

He seems kinda odd, walking down 2nd street

I never seen him slow down

Never seen him frown, or ask for a handout

I tried to wear his shoes

But the only way I could was putting on a costume

Army jacket and a mask with a beard

He saw me that night and looked at me like I was wierd

Well everyone is beautiful, everyone is beautiful

I see a lot of ugly people on the street

Well if they wasn't so rough, they wouldn't be so ugly

Well everyone is beautiful, everyone is beautiful

I see a lot of ugly people on the street

If they had a lighter load, or just a little love Lord

Woman had no teeth at all, but she smiled at me

And it dawned on me, she's beautiful

Someone made her feel so small, she looked at me

She couldn't see we're beautiful

Well everyone is beautiful, everyone is beautiful

I see a lot of ugly people on the street

Well if it wasn't so rough, they wouldn't be so ugly

Well everyone is beautiful, everyone is beautiful

I see a lot of ugly people on the street

If they had a lighter load, or just a little love

Smiled at me

And it dawned on me, she's beautiful

Woman had no teeth at all, she smiled at me

And it dawned on me, she's beautiful

Someone made her feel so small, she looked at me

She couldn't see we're beautiful

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