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So American


If vain was a color to paint in you,

Your heart would be the color blue.

Be a gradient from there, until your body met your hair

Which remained a silver.

You are the one they call Jesus Christ.

Who didn't know no rock and roll.

Just a mission made of guns that they give boys in Vietnam.

In a heart that always told you

There's a madness in us all.

There's a madness in us all.


Who wrote the rules?

Who wrote the rules?

Who wrote the rules?

They said

Every one of you will never try to lend a hand

When the police men don't understand.

Boys, all you boys

Think you're so American.

Girls, all you girls

Yeah you're so American.

He may not be born of this land

But he was born of this world.

He was born of all the mothers

And the colors of our brothers

And the love that was started.

You are the one they call Jesus Christ.

Who may not know no rock and roll,

There may not be a heaven,

Or a place in which to send ya,

But you know in the end

There's a madness in us all. (x4)


Who wrote the rules?

Who wrote the rules?

Who wrote the rules?

They say

Every one of you will never try to lend a hand

When the police men don't understand.

Boys, all you boys

Think it's so American.

Girls, all you girls

Yeah you're so American.

There's two eyes for every one of us

But somebody got there first and took them all. (x2)

Man, oh man

You think it's so American

Man, oh man.

Yeah you're so American (x2)

There's two eyes for every one of us

But somebody got there first and took them all. (x2)

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