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The Dead Dog

de Portugal. The Man / an -


Yeah these people have it made

They got all the money, everything

They know it all so they got nothing else to know

Forget it all when they fly back from mexico

Like the wolves that had it made

They got food for years, mountains for days

Up the mountain gotta find what the sheep had found

Back to the den they find that the cubs had drowned

So why would we try

If we can wait

Just have ourselves a time

Free like the mind

It always waits

For friends to come around

So they'll get high

And higher still

And slowly fall behind

The warmth it came

In waves of pain

We really had ourselves a time

Yeah we had ourselves a time

If you find me at the dead dog

Boy I gotta warn you

These people they

They didn't try

They didn't try

And they lie and they lie and they lie

They lie

They lie

Still born still taking shape

It took ten of them, ten years, ten times

What it takes

Forget it all just shove all the poor in there

The hungry men swallowed all we fit in there

So why would we try

If we can wait

Just have ourselves a time

Free like the mind

It always waits

For friends to come around

So they'll get high

And higher still

And slowly fall behind

The warmth it came

In waves of pain

We really had ourselves a time

Yeah we had ourselves a time

If you find me at the dead dog

Boy I gotta warn you

These people they,

They didn't try

They didn't try

And they lie and they lie and they lie

They lie

They lie

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