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de Power Of Dreams / an -


She said she knows all about my kind

Quick into bed with another find

Forget what I said, what I meant to say

I'll do it again if I'd known it

Then I wouldn't have come.

It's love in the night and it's hate in the day

You do what you want then you ask to stay

I wouldn't forget it if I had known

I couldn't forget it if I had known

You didn't know me and you didn't care

You couldn't show me but you wouldn't dare

And I don't know what I'm meant to say

When all I really wanted, all I wanted was to talk.

I said I thought I could never get

The things that I needed, I need to get

You take it away then you give it back

You give it away then you ask me

Would I like to have it back?

It's stranger than strange and it's worse than worse

When every hour is a different curse

I don't think you can and I don't think you do

I'm standing alone and it's only you

But you didn't know me and you didn't care

You couldn't show me that you wouldn't dare

And I don't know what I'm meant to say

When all I really wanted,

All I wanted was to talk.

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