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de Power Of Dreams / an -


When all he wanted was more time to forget

When all she wanted was a life to regret

It's so much easier to lie to a friend

It's so much easier to lie to defend

And that's the way I know it's hard to forget

The spoken words they're just a part of regret

If I had have known I'd try to understand you better

If I had have known I'd try

When all I wanted was a chance to forget

And never know the pain of hope and regret

I lost a friend because I couldn't see

I lost a friend because she wants to be free

And every word she said was wrong

So wrong so wrong

When times are bad I came so strong

So strong so strong so strong

Understand a little better

Understand a little more

Understand the words that matter

Every word she said was wrong

Understand a little better

Understand a little more

Understand the words that matter

Thoughts have never been so strong

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