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INFO - 12804


de Projected / pe Human / an -0001

VERSURI - 12804

I wish you were still here

But wishing for you won't bring you back

If I could turn back the hands of time

You would always be...

Somewhere there's another, all in for the other

Two can breathe forever

Nowhere there's another life into the after

Two can live forever

Two can live forever

Still today I feel you near

And every time I feel you I'm at peace

It's the things that you said to me

That I cherish most of all

Somewhere there's another, all in for the other

Two can breathe forever

Nowhere there's another life into the after

Two can live forever

Somewhere there's another, all in for the other

Somewhere there's another, all in for the other

Two can breathe forever

Nowhere there's another life into the after

Two can live forever

Two can live forever

(Forever, forever)

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