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Breaking Me

de Projected / pe Human / an -0001


Hear me, hear me

It's you I'm talkin' to

Feel me, fear me

It's coming 'round on you

Make me something that's never even true

Hate me always for what I've done to you

Falling out

Up right now

Not a sound

Fall back down

You're lost and you're falling

Down in the water it feels like you're breaking me

Can't pull me under I'm over my head

Pulled to the slaughter it seems like you're following

Can't kill something that's already dead

Love me, need me

I'm now inside of you

Learning, knowing your every thought that's true

Melting slowly around your conscience too

Hating endless for what I've done to you

Falling out

Up right now

Not a sound

Fall back down

You're lost and you're falling

Down in the water it feels like you're breaking me

Can't pull me under I'm over my head

Pulled to the slaughter it seems like you're following

Can't kill something that's already dead

Down in the water it feels like you're breaking me

Can't pull me under I'm over my head

Pulled to the slaughter it seems like you're following

Can't kill something that's already dead

Down in the water it feels like you're breaking me

Can't pull me under I'm over my head

Pulled to the slaughter it seems like you're following

Can't kill something that's already dead

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