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They've been prying gold from our teeth

Burned their witches, only to fight the calculated mean

Hold it up! make it a scene!

Glorified by capital greed!

Oh, this is a war!

"who will survive and what will be left of them?"

Said the men while digging the trenches

Make your last stand

You missed your only chance to make it out alive

Guard your days, when nights seem to just slip away

Far beyond these ocean breaks

They alone could build this home, but burn it to the ground with a kiss

Drop dead kid, you've gotta death with!

They know all about your fabricated death myth

You better run kid, they're gonna find this!

And make you watch as they ferment your head with

GRAPES OF WRATH! those rotten grapes of wrath!

Arm yourself, with no crown (Lose your crown)

Arm yourself, with no crown (Lose your crown)

Guard your days, when nights seem to just slip away

Far beyond these ocean breaks

They alone could build this home, but burn it to the ground with a kiss

Get off your knees, stand up and fight!

Forewarn the world, show them the light that they stole!

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