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I lost sight by coveting, NIGHT CRAWLERS!

Silence your voice

It serves to conquer impassive hearts which suck life

Out of of their humble distorter

It feeds on hope, gave birth to this disorder

Young man, so young

What gives you the right to cast us all to hell

Blood (how to crave it)

Suck it dry, sharpen the fangs to harness the blood

Tell love to retreat to an innocent time

This is the fallout, everyone where has got a bit of radiation sickness

They hide theirs and condemn you for yours, don't let them get away with it!

Don't embrace the fallout (Animal)

She'd your skin, she'd it!

The radiation burns

She'd your skin, she'd your skin, she'd it! (Animal)

They still still watch you so close (let 'em all)

Death defy your death, man

Judgement undertow, it drags you back to sea and pays the debt for life

It's comical...

Listen close

My son if you give in, understand there can be no repentance

By the grace of God.

By the will of faith, you claim your righteousness

And under false pretense, you go to bed with it (you devil)

Claimed God casts a shadow and burns all the children he claims he loves

A poisonous offering to justify your self doubt!

You have lost you will!

To the gallows, marching hand in hand

Walk proud to gallows, marching hand in hand

(They'll send us all) covered in burns, radiation burns

(Be proud! ) night crawlers, night crawlers

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