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de 12 Stones / an -


Mother Mother

Can you hear me

I keep trying

just to find me

all i know now

all you show me

endless questions

hopeless ending

this bitter pill is pushing me away

and now i feel like there's nothing left to say

and i pretend to look the other way

but in the end will i be okay

father father

will you be there as i cry out silent again

turning colder, frozen deeper

numb to this dream sleeping within

this bitter pill is pushing me away

and now i feel like there's nothing left to say

and i pretend to look the other way

but in the end will i be okay

before i face another day

won't you let me stay asleep

lost among the dreams that always comfort me

and before i find my feet

won't you show me what i need

what i need to walk again

this bitter pill is pushing me away

and now i feel like there's nothing left to say

and i pretend to look the other way

but in the end will i be okay

will i be okay

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