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de 12 Stones / an -


Sitting on a swingset
Watching days go bye
Conversations about nothing
Streets light on
It's time to go home

I'm not worried about tomorrow
Cause it's only a day away

And I know it's not my fault
Never dreamed this day would come
Now I'm wishing for my yesterday
So many things are left undone

So many things are left undone

As I pull into the driveway
I feel myself go numb
And the tears of pain begin to fall
Now my worlds undone

And I know it's not my fault
Never dreamed this day would come
Now I'm wishing for my yesterday
So many things are left undone

And I know it's not my fault
Never dreamed this day would come
Now I'm wishing for my yesterday
So many things are left undone

Yes you never know
You never know
You never know
You never know tomorrow

You never know
You never know
You never know
You never know tomorrow

And I know it's not my fault
Never dreamed this day would come
Now I'm wishing for my yesterday
So many things are left undone

So many things are left undone

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