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de 12 Stones / pe 12 Stones / an 2002


As I lie tossing in my bed

lost in my fears remembering what you said

and I try to hide the truth within

the mask of myself shows its face again

still I lie time and time again

will you deny me when we meet again?

And I feel like I'm falling

farther everyday

but I know that you're there

watching over me.

And I feel like I'm drowning

the waves crashing over me

But I know that your love

it will set me free.

As I find truth where I found it times before.

As I search for your hope

I'm finding so much more.

And I try to be more like you

and I deny myself to prove my heart is true.

And I feel like I'm falling

farther everyday

but I know that you're there

watching over me.

And I feel like I'm drowning

the waves crashing over me

But I know that your love

it will set me free.

I hear your voice calling

the time has come for me.

Inside this life I'm living

there's nothing left for me.

My mind is slowly fading

so far away from me

each time I start crawling

you're there watching me.

And I feel like I'm falling

farther everyday

but I know that you're there

watching over me.

And I feel like I'm drowning

the waves crashing over me

But I know that your love

it will set me free.

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