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de 12 Stones / pe Only Human / an -0001


It's so pathetic

In a million ways

What a desperate disgrace

Strung out

So proud

Big mouth

Have we gone too far to change?


Like Hollywood

Spreading through your neighborhood

Built up

Burned down

Watch out

Now it's gotten in our blood

(Time is running out

It's running out

It's running out)

I feel weak

I feel numb

Had enough of this poison we've injected

Living in this word infected

Out, let me out

Tell me how

We all got so disconnected

Sick of living in this world infected

It's systematic

Livin' in this haze

Sleeping on a live grenade

Blacked out

Face down

No sound

We're blowin' up this place

How long can we endure

When we've tainted all that's pure?


High risk

Death wish

What if no one finds a cure?

(Time is running out

It's running out

It's running out)

I feel weak

I feel numb

Had enough of this poison we've injected

Living in this word infected

Out, let me out

Tell me how

We all got so disconnected

Sick of living in this world infected

(Time is running out

-It's running out-REPEAT-)

I feel weak

I feel numb

Had enough of this poison we've injected

Living in this word infected

Out, let me out

Tell me how

We all got so disconnected

Sick of living in this world infected

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