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de Ellegarden / an -


I wonder what is the flower's name

I just remember faint yellow

"It suits the little window"

That's what you said when you gave me that

I don't want to leave you alone

But someone is calling me somewhere

It's not your fault

Just for one second, one moment, or just one glance

Please show me your smile

We got to know each others so much

And the flower saw us every single day

I can't recall my name

I just remenber your smile

Before I forget you

Please tell me the name of the flower

It's not anyone's fault

Everyone understands it and even I do

It's not your fault

Just for one second, one moment, or just one glance

Please show me your smile

We got to know each others so much

And the flower saw us every single day

We could go anywhere in one moment

We could do everything together

I always thought nothing is going to change at all

Kimi mo boku mo Ano hana de sae mo

Just for one year, one month, one day

Take my place

Help her smile with someone else

Look after her, flower

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