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So Sad

de Ellegarden / an -


I woke up from the dream of the good days I was in

I took you home and you slept next to me

In the morning I could smell the eggs you cooked for me

We were sure it'd last until we die

You asked me if I'd ever leave

I was meant to be next to you always

That was my reply

But somethng I have done has split us apart

And you are never coming back to me again

I'm dreaming of you and I still think you're mine

I'm waiting for you and I never give up

No matter who appears I won't forget

I wish you knew that I'm yours until I die

I woke up to the sound of the doorbells ringing

One thing I know is it won't be you

Something I have done has split us apart

And you will never come back to me again

I'm dreaming of you and I still think you're mine

I'm waiting for you and I never give up

No matter who appears I won't forget

I wish you knew that I'm yours until I die

Today I found the photograph of you and me

I'm so sad

Can I rewind all our time

And put it back to the place we were meant to be

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