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de Ellegarden / an -


Seventeen nights away

She's leaving

Cause everything she found was fake

Oh tell me why

I don't know why

Why does she have to leave

No one has told me

She's ended up there

All I can do to is to keep being here

Marie my friend

Marie my friend

I sing for you

Marie my friend

Marie my friend

This is your song

Seventeen skies away

She's falling

Cause everything she had has gone

Oh tell me why

I don't know why

Why does she have to leave

No one has told me

She's ended up there

All I can do to is to keep being here

Marie my friend

Marie my friend

I sing for you

Marie my friend

Marie my friend

This is your song

Couldn't take your hand

I should've done this before

I'm so stuck now

You changed my world

Don't go away like this

Oh tell me why

I don't know why

Why you have been so strong

No one has held you

But you spread your wings

All I can do to is to keep being here

Marie my friend

Marie my friend

I sing for you

Marie my friend

Marie my friend

This is your song

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