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Star Fish

de Ellegarden / an -


Because I wanted to see what's next in the fairy tale

I couldn't see what was right beside me

The flattering smile I used to make

It seems to fall at once

Because I've found something so beautiful

Before it's lost again

In the night with this amazing starry sky

Even if I have to throw everything away

I wanted to see you so much

In the night with this amazing starry sky

If you were here with me

I wonder what I would say

The shoe laces are getting loose

I'm keeping my mind sane, fumbling with it

It's just 2 stations away and it's hell far away for me

Though I don't need to rush if I never give up

Because I've found something so beautiful

Before it's lost again

In the night with this amazing starry sky

Even if I have to throw everything away

I wanted to see you so much

In the night with this amazing starry sky

If you were here with me

I wonder what I would say

I thought there is no such thing as

Unchanging over a thousand years

I wonder how I could miss it

My friends

I thought there is no such thing as

Unchanging until it ends

I wonder how I could miss it

In the night with this amazing starry sky

Even if I have to throw everything away

I wanted to see you so much

In the night with this amazing starry sky

If you were here with me

I wonder what I would say

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