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Miracle Cure

de Sea Wolf / pe Old World Romance / an -0001


You came from nowhere like a miracle cure

And you took me out to the glittering streets

Told me to forget myself alive

Cause there's life out there

And we're you and free

There's music and laughter

And it's time to forgive

If I, if I can surround you in a beautiful sound, I will

If I, if I can repay yo for coming to save me, I will, I will

We all went outside

Took the train downtown

And the passengers we so alive

So colorful and loud, so full of pride

Though out languages were different we were both the same

We just wanted to live before we die

If I, If I can surrounding you in beautiful sounds, I will

If I, if I can repay you to save me, I will

If I, if I can be who you want me to be, I will

If I, If I can surround you, I will

I will, I will, I will

You came from nowhere

My own miracle cure

When we came running out to the glittering streets

With faded yellow petals beneath our feet and people celebrated in the

Midnight flow

Well, I knew what I wanted

And I wanted to know

If I, If I can surrounding you in beautiful sounds, I will

If I, if I can repay you to save me, I will

If I, if I can be who you want me to be, I will

If I, If I can surround you in beautiful sounds I will I will I will

Oh my love, true and pure lift me up like a miracle cure

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