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de Sea Wolf / pe Old World Romance / an -0001


Coldest evening

I watched you walking up the path

Up to a front door

Your footsteps in the grass

We've been here before

You out there while I'm stuck in here

Looking out from the bedroom

With a crack in the glass

So Priscilla, this is important

Time to tell us this is

No goodbyes and no time for mourning

Now we'll see what this love is for

I believe in spring time

I believe in dead leaves in the wind

And I know that endings

Are the best place to begin

When I watched you coming

And I saw you brush up against the ferns

All I could think of was


So Priscilla, this is important

Time to tell us this is

No goodbyes and no time for mourning

Now we'll see what this love is for

What's it for, What's it for, What's it for

There in the blue moonlight

Stopped and turned to the ocean

You were so still standing

Wonder if you would ever turn around

Coldest evening

I watched you walking up the path

Up to a front door

Your footsteps in the grass

I could see you thinking

And I had the notion that wasn't good

When you put your boot on the first step

I could hear a creek in the wood

So Priscilla, this is important

Time to tell us this is

No goodbyes and no time for mourning

Now we'll see what this love is for

What's it for, What's it for, What's it for

So Priscilla, this is important

Time to tell us this is

No goodbyes and no time for mourning

Now we'll see what this love is for

So Priscilla, this is important

Time to tell us this is

No goodbyes and no time for mourning

Now we'll see what this love is for

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