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de Sea Wolf / pe Old World Romance / an -0001


What is this pulling, tugging at me

Limbs so heavy, dragging me down again

Into the depths of cold blue water

But don't believe me, I swear this isn't me

I just want to feel the sunlight warm and soothing on my naked skin

So I'm hoping this cold blue water scrubs me clean

Oh my one, swear I'm trying

What good would it do lying

Oh my one, swear I'm trying

What good would it do lying

Saw something I the shadows

Tricked me into the shallows

Saw something in the shadows

Tricked me into the shallows

What is this pulling

Tugging at my limbs so heavy dragging me down again

So I'm hoping, this cold blue water

Scrubs me clean and spits me out again

Because I just want to feel the sunlight warm and soothing

Oh my one, swear I'm trying

Waht good would it do lying

Oh my one, swear I'm trying

What good would it do lying

Saw something in the shadows

Tricked me into the shallows

Saw something in the shadows

Tricked me into the shallows

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