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de While We're Up / pe Every Moment / an -0001


On my front porch, trying to find a way and

Never really knowing what to say, all the things that we did in those days

Some laughs were forced, I know I did that some

But all of our tears flowed freely and we stuck it out til the end

Take this constant reminder

Of how fiercely we lived our lives

Cause we've been down, all around in the middle of everything

Stressed out of our minds, all of the time people pulling on all of our strings

All the time, never really knowing much of anything

Turn the radio down cause you know it sounds better when all of us sing

Through better and worse, yes my friends we've lived it all

Down all those paths we traveled, more than once our hearts unraveled

We strayed off course and found our hopes inside our fears

Our lives strung together by the years

Take this constant reminder

Of how fiercely we lived

Cause we've been down, all around in the middle of everything

Stressed out of our minds, all of the time people pulling on all of our strings

All the time, never really knowing much of anything

Turn the radio down cause you know it sounds better when all of us sing

Take this... how you want to

But these places... won't always wait for you

Make this... what you want to

But these places won't stay here...

Cause we've been down, all around in the middle of everything

Stressed out of our minds, all of the time people pulling on all of our strings

All the time, never really knowing much of anything

Turn the radio down cause you know it sounds better when all of us sing

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