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de While We're Up / pe Every Moment / an -0001


I used to watch a lot more TV

And recite movies

But I've grown to like the sound of conversation more

And since you've gone I notice things more clearly

Like the stars

I now know you are one of the brightest ones

When I dream I want to be with you

Fly me back to where you are

A piece of me it went with you

You are my sky and all the stars I see

Surround me

I tied a string around your wrist

And said now you'll always remember me

Because a thread the gold weight of whatever it holds together

Now I tie knots around everything I ever want to keep

The only thing attached to this string is me

In my sleep I still talk to you

I close my eyes and I can smell you

I remember how you laugh

We told the same jokes but we laughed for years

We never got old

We never got old

We never got old

When I stare I hope that you don't mind

I'm only looking past their hiding eyes

Trying to catch a glimpse of the light I used to see in you

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